Debutify Theme Review


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Debutify Theme Review

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There’s often endless debate about what type of theme you should use. Some e-commerce entrepreneurs believe that any theme can work, while others believe you need to pay for premium ones. Free themes are a great way for beginners to get their store running quickly; however, they can feel like a cookie-cutter site and have limited functionality. Premium themes can cost hundreds of dollars, but offer more personalization and have features to boost conversion rates. Debutify is one of the only free themes available on Shopify that is specifically designed for customization, page speed, and navigation, which in turn boosts conversion rates. In this Debutify theme review, we’ll go over its features, pricing plan, commonly asked questions, and whether or not it’s worth it trying.

What is Debutify Theme?

debutify theme

Debutify theme helps you build the perfect store online in just minutes. This app was built for the ultimate consumer experience by boosting conversions, developing fast loading times, and enhancing the design to make navigating your store easy. This theme is plug-and-play and doesn’t require any coding, and includes weekly updates to ensure the theme runs smoothly at all times. It’s available in two versions, which is the Debut-Default and Debut-Light. Debut-Default is great for selling household products that sell daily. You’re able to showcase the brands and products in your store. Visitors can hover over an image to take a closer view of the product details. With Debut-Light, it shows each product in great detail without hovering over the image.

The Debutify theme includes everything you’ll need in a theme such as slideshow images or videos, a featured products section, color customization, collections list, testimonials, blog posts, featured videos, product page, and checkout page customization. Currently, the theme has over 100k downloads making it one of the most popular themes on Shopify!Debutify Theme Review

Debutify Theme ReviewDebutify Theme Review

Installation Process

Installing the Debutify theme to your Shopify store is a relatively simple process. First, go to their website and click their’ download now’ button. It’s a one-click install, so it’ll automatically install the Debutify theme once you’ve entered your Shopify store’s URL and have logged in. Before completing the installation process, you will receive a pop-up that asks for permission to request access to store data. You can change your theme or edit by going to the ‘online store’ tab in the left menu. Then clicking on ‘themes.’ Then you can select the Debutify theme and customize it.

Best Features of the Debutify Theme

When it comes to the Debutify theme, there are dozens of features that they offer. However, we’re going to share some of the best features that we’ve found that make this theme stand above their competitors.

Add product tabs and videos to Product pages

With Debutify, you can upload videos from Youtube, add product tabs and product reviews onto your product pages. This gives your customers more information to persuade them to buy. For example, adding live customer testimonials really helps showcase how your product has impacted people’s lives. You can add up to three product tabs, a product description, a static page, and a snippet. These product tabs help to clean up the look of your page. Instead of jumbling up all the information of a product onto a page, you can add tabs to organize the information. For instance, you can add tabs on your product guarantee or shipping information, so that it’s easier for visitors to find. You can add explainer videos to describe how your product works. This is especially useful for all types of niches, but especially health, beauty, and electronic niches. Or you can add an unboxing video, so customers know what to expect when purchasing your product.

Newsletter and coupon pop-ups

Debutify offers the ability to add coupons or newsletter pop-ups to engage your customers. Coupon pop-ups are a great way to influence your visitors’ decision to purchase. Many visitors are on the fence about purchasing, and offering them a sweet deal can entice them to purchase, especially for first-time buyers. You can set the pop-up at the right time to make customers feel that the coupon is rare and won’t last long. The feature allows store owners to target specific visitors on specific pages, locations, and particular times to boost conversions and increase sales. Having coupon pop-ups on every page or at the beginning of them landing on a product page only cheapens your brand. Doing so effectively can rake in sales that could’ve been otherwise lost. Newsletter pop-ups are effective in communicating with your loyal customers or visitors in the future. You can offer future deals or show them new product lines to keep them long-term.

Store FAQ’s

One way to massively improve conversions is to anticipate and answer your visitor’s questions ahead of time. Most customers will be curious to know about your products’ quality, where or how you’re sourcing them, the delivery times, and the legitimacy of your business. A quality FAQ page will give your visitors confidence and assist in helping them make a purchase. The Debutify theme comes with a built-in store FAQ. This page is useful for store owners that sell complex products such as electronics, accessories, or health products. Some niches require quality assurance, safety, or product warranty protocols. FAQ pages also save your support team a lot of time by answering common questions, so it’s best to add as much information and detail as possible.

Estimated date of delivery

Debutify will show customers the expected date of delivery for the products purchased once the order is made. This builds trust and an open line of communication between the customer and the store. If customers don’t receive confirmation and don’t know when to expect to receive their product, this leads to chargebacks and refunds.

Chat boxes

Having live chat boxes is an excellent way to gain visitors who are on the fence about purchasing or struggling to navigate your site. With the Debutify theme, you can alerts once your visitors engage in your chatbox. You or your team can provide feedback to help them with any questions about your store or products. Customers are much more likely to buy if they see you offer genuine and fast customer support.

Cart functionality

Most store owners fail to realize that the add-to-cart button plays a role in a purchasing decision. With the Debutify theme, you can change the appearance of the add-to-cart button by making it larger, changing its colors, and making it more visible to the visitor. You can add a sticky button, which means that add-to-cart will be visible even as they scroll up and down the product page. Additionally, you can change the button’s text to say “buy now” instead of “add-to-cart.” Users can also add fun little animations to the button making the buying process more interesting and fun.

Furthermore, the Debutify theme enables users to add upsell pop-ups and trust badges. Upsell pop-ups are useful when strategically timed. For example, if a user has added a pair of shoes to their cart. Before the checkout, you can ask them if they want to buy a pair of matching socks on the checkout page. Use this feature to target specific visitors or pair products that make sense as an upsell to increase your average order size. Trust badges are an excellent way to build trust in your visitors, communicating that their customer information is safe.

Live sales notification

A live sales notification is typically a feature that most store owners buy separately on the Shopify app store. With Debutify, it comes with their theme. Visitors will get an appealing sales-pop that notifies them of a recent purchase on a product. This builds consumer confidence and trust that other people also enjoy their products. It’s a small feature that can prevent customers from leaving your site due to a lack of engagement, trust, and authenticity.


Debutify offers four different pricing plans to aid store owners of all experience levels and goals. Here are the different pricing plans:

Debutify Theme Review

What separates this theme from others is the free Shopify theme available. Most themes cost a few hundred dollars for all access or a hefty monthly plan. Additionally, they offer a 14-day free trial without taking your credit card information, nor do they have any lock-in contracts. For beginners looking to start their first store, you can try the free version to feel how your store will look. This includes everything from your checkout pages, to the storefront to product pages.

Once you’re committed to running a store, I suggest running with at least the Starter or Hustler plan. These two plans offer integrations and add-ons to your store. For example, if you already have an existing email list from MailChimp, you can easily integrate and import that onto your Shopify theme with a newsletter or email subscribe button. With the hustler plan, you get access to all 28 add-ons and future add-ons, meaning you can add types of bells and whistles to your e-commerce store. Add-ons such as timers, social proof, reviews, testimonials, trust badges, and other features can be added to improve your overall conversion. Add-ons are better to use than downloading other Shopify apps because they don’t slow down your page loading speed. For store owners who want extra help and guidance, the Guru plan is for you. This plan offers mentoring, advanced courses, and product research to increase your odds of maximizing the Debutify theme so that your store succeeds.

Debutify Theme ReviewDebutify Theme Review

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Is the Debutify theme frequently updated?

Yes, Debutify regularly updates their add-ons and theme to improve the user experience and fix potential bugs based on customer feedback.

Is the Debutify free theme safe to use?

Yes, it is! First off, it’s approved by Shopify as their available free themes to download. Secondly, users have their managed store permission to download the add-ons and Debutify theme. Debutify theme does not use or have access to customer’s data.

Is it free to use?

Yes, the Debutify theme offers a free plan for users to enjoy. Shopify only comes with ten basic free store themes. Debutify aims to provide a high-quality theme that all users can use to improve their store’s design and conversion.

Why use Debutify Theme?

Many 7-figure entrepreneurs in the e-commerce industry, such as Ricky Hayes, Marc Chapon, Jordan Welch, and others, have enjoyed their experiences with the app and claimed that it has the highest conversions rates other themes. Debutify free theme comes with the basics but has shown big differences in-store conversions. Furthermore, it comes with various add-ons so that you can customize your store’s style and design as needed.

What are the Debutify theme add-ons?

The purpose of the Debutify theme add-ons is there to help improve the customization of your storefront. You can easily install and add them to your site using the Debutify application. The beauty of these add-ons is that they seamlessly integrate with your store and theme, while not having any negative impact on your store’s loading speed. These add-ons are designs to fit the style and theme of your store automatically.

Can I swap the add-ons on the Debutify theme?

Customization is an integral part of perfecting your e-commerce store. Whether you’re rebranding your site or need a makeover, sometimes the add-on may not fit your store’s particular design or style. You’re able to swap add-ons on the Debutify theme but uninstalling the ones you don’t like and installing those that fit your taste.

What is the Debutify app?

Debutify isn’t just your traditional Shopify theme. Shopify users can download the app to instantly download the free app with just one click to get access to all of the powerful features to your e-commerce store.

Can you switch plans on Debutify?

Depending on how big your e-commerce store is, you may want to switch plans. The Debutify theme has four pricing options, and subscribers can upgrade or downgrade to their desired plan at any time. You just have to confirm the payment when activating your preferred plan.

Debutify Theme Review – Final thoughts is it worth it?

If you’ve made it this far into our Debutify theme review, you’re probably wondering if this theme is worth it? The answer is a resounding, yes! If nothing else, the Debutify theme can save you up to $2,000 per year on expensive apps. The Debutify theme or add-ons will cover a lot of the typical apps many store owners pay separately. This includes features such as cart countdown, cart discount, chatbox, delivery time, sales countdown, product tabs, mega menu, smart search, inventory quantity, F.A.Q page, trust badge, upsell pop-up, upsell bundles, product video, and many more.

According to the Debutify site, the app has a 4.5% conversion rate on average. A survey done by LittleData shows that the average Shopify store only converts at 1.5%! That means Debutify will boost your conversion rate by three times! Imagine tripling your sales simply by switching themes—one of the biggest factors for why Debutify converts better is its page load time. Most themes take about 2.87 to 3.21 seconds on average to load, while Debutify takes about 1.68 seconds. There’s a reason why many 6 and 7 figure e-commerce entrepreneurs are vouching for this theme! We suggest you check out and the Debutify theme for yourself and see if it helps with your conversions and store design!

Debutify Theme
Debutify Theme Review

Our full honest Debutify Theme Review updated for 2021. Everything you need to know before you decide to try this theme. Is this the best dropshipping theme ever?

Product Brand: Debutify

Product Currency: USD

Product In-Stock: InStock

Editor's Rating:
World's #1 Free Shopify Theme

Want a high-converting Shopify Theme to grow and scale your business?Download Debutify now at

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