How Many Keywords Per Page for SEO: The Definitive Guide


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If you’re looking to improve your SEO, you may be wondering how many keywords you should include on each page. There is no definitive answer to this question, as it will vary depending on the website and the keywords themselves.

However, in this article, we will provide an overview of how keyword density can help or hurt your SEO efforts, as well as some tips for finding the right keyword density for your site.

Key Takeaway: There is no definitive answer for how many keywords per page you should have for SEO. The density of your keywords will depend on the website and the individual keywords themselves. Focus on one main keyword per page and a few closely related keywords.

What is keyword density and why is it important for SEO?

Keyword density is the percentage of times a keyword or phrase appears on a web page, in comparison to the total number of words on the page.

For example, If a page has 100 words and the keyword appears five times, the keyword density would be five percent (100/20).

Keyword density can be an important factor in SEO because it is a measure of how relevant a page is to a certain keyword or phrase.

If the keyword density is too low, the content may be considered irrelevant and not rank well in search results.

Conversely, if the keyword density is too high, it could be considered spammy and also result in a lower ranking.

Finding the right keyword density for your page can be tricky, but it’s important to strike a balance so that your content is both relevant and not spammy.

Here are a few tips for finding the right keyword density:

  1. Use keyword research tools to find the right keywords for your page.
  2. Use those keywords throughout your content, including in the title, headings, and body.
  3. Don’t stuff keywords into your content; use them naturally and sparingly.
  4. Use other SEO best practices to improve your ranking, such as optimizing your title tags and meta descriptions.

By following these tips, you can help ensure that your pages are relevant and rank well in search results.

How to calculate keyword density

How to calculate keyword density

Calculating keyword density is simple. Just take the number of times the keyword appears on the page and divide it by the total number of words on the page.

There are tools, like the Yoast SEO and Rankmath plugins, that will do this calculation for you.

Just enter in your keyword, and the tool will tell you what the density is.

What’s the ideal keyword density?

It’s important to keep in mind that different people have different opinions on what an ideal keyword density should be.

Some say anything over three percent is too high, while others believe that a higher density is fine as long as the content still reads naturally.

Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide what density works best for your page and your keywords.

How Many Keywords Per Page for SEO?

When it comes to SEO, there is no magic number of keywords per page.

It will vary depending on the length of your content, the topic you’re covering, and the competitiveness of your chosen keywords.

That being said, a good rule of thumb is to aim for a keyword density of around two to three percent.

Is more keywords better for SEO?

Is more keywords better for SEO?

More keywords will not necessarily improve your SEO. In fact, if you stuff too many keywords into your content, it could actually hurt your ranking.

When it comes to SEO, quality is more important than quantity. So, focus on writing high-quality content that naturally includes your chosen keywords.

By following these tips, you can help ensure that your pages are relevant and rank well in search results.

How can I optimize my content for multiple keywords?

When it comes to optimizing content its recommended to focus on one main keyword and then a few secondary keywords.

The main keyword should be included in the title, headings, body, and meta tags. The secondary keywords can be sprinkled throughout the content.

Remember to focus on quality over quantity and write for your audience first and foremost. If you do that, the SEO will follow.

Should you use the same keyword on multiple pages?

No, you should not use the same keyword on multiple pages. Each page on your website should be optimized for a different keyword.

If you use the same keyword on multiple pages, it will be difficult for search engines to determine which page is most relevant to that keyword.

Instead, focus on creating unique and interesting content for each page of your website.

Keyword cannibalization

Keyword cannibalization

If you have multiple pages on your website that are optimized for the same keyword, you may be guilty of keyword cannibalization.

This occurs when two or more pages compete against each other in the search results for the same keyword.

Keyword cannibalization can hurt your SEO because it confuses search engines and makes it difficult to determine which page is most relevant to the keyword.

To avoid keyword cannibalization, make sure each page on your website is optimized for a different keyword.


Although there is no magic number of keywords per page, a good rule of thumb to follow for SEO optimization is to aim for a keyword density of around two or three percent.

You should also make sure each page on your website has its own unique and interesting content that focuses on one main keyword with secondary keywords sprinkled throughout the content.

If you’re concerned about keyword cannibalization, make sure each page is optimized for a different keyword.

By following these tips, you can help ensure that your pages are relevant and rank well in search results.

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